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Sugar blossom

Most commonly sugar cherry blossom


But can be used to describe fondant flowers

Kt: did you make anything sugar blossoms for the birthday cake

by Max_caroni April 7, 2022

The nut blossom

Like Reaper from Overwatch, you spin in a circle releasing bullets to kill your foes, but instead of bullets, it's sperm and you spin a circle "nutting" everywhere.

"Oh baby get ready for my The nut blossom!"

by Satanic man August 26, 2017

bologna blossom

A slang term for a woman’s vagina

I can’t wait to tongue punch Melissa’s bologna blossom tonight when I get home.”

by TheJollyGreenGiant23 May 1, 2023

bologna blossom

A slang term for a woman’s vagina

I can’t wait to tongue punch Melissa’s bologna blossom tonight when I get home.”

by TheJollyGreenGiant23 May 1, 2023

onion blossom

When a girl has a huge sweet ass but the smell is so bad it brings tears to your eyes.

That girl had a sweet turd cutter but the bitch had an onion blossom.

by AWetFart March 20, 2017

Turd Blossom

Turd Blossom is a made up word from a thirteen year old kid who is best friends with the kid who created beanstab (look it up on the urban dictionary) Turd Blossom is a word used as an insult.

Man 1: Hi Jaemie!
Jaemie: Get out of my way you Turd Blossom

by G3T GH05T3D October 31, 2018

Turd Blossom

If you call someone a turd blossom, you are saying that they are beautiful but came from shit or cow shit.

If I called you a turd blossom I'd be saying you are pretty but your family is shit. Or you looked like shit 2 years ago and now look beautiful.

Person 1 "man what a turd blossom"
Person 2 "thank you I've changed a lot"

by cwestn May 10, 2023