Combination of a jelly donut and an Abe Lincoln.
Poor Maggie got John Wilkes Booth’d last night.
The name you say after throwing something in the trash, or also known as the guy who killed Ryan Reynolds but who even cares am I right?
Steve: *throws paper in the trash whilst saying John wills booth*
Dave: dude who would you say John Wilkes booth
Steve: cause he never misses
Dave: I-
A confessional. In Catholicism, it’s required to confess your sins to a priest inside a fully enclosed booth. This is part of the sacrament of reconciliation, and must be done in order to be in good standing with the church. Sins can be major like killing someone to something minor such as masturbating or smoking weed. Either way, they both must be confessed the same.
John: I had the craziest night last night, hotboxed it with Julia before she gave me head for 30 minutes.
Paul: Thats dope bro. Gonna go to the bad boy booth this Sunday?
John: Of course, I kinda have to.
A confessional. In Catholicism, it’s required to confess your sins to a priest inside a fully enclosed booth. This is part of the sacrament of reconciliation, and must be done in order to be in good standing with the church. Sins can be major like killing someone to something minor such as masturbating or smoking weed. Either way, they both must be confessed the same.
John: I had the craziest night last night, hotboxed it with Julia before she gave me head for 30 minutes.
Paul: Thats dope bro. Gonna go to the bad boy booth this Sunday?
John: Of course, I kinda have to.
A confessional. In Catholicism, it’s required to confess your sins to a priest inside a fully enclosed booth. This is part of the sacrament of reconciliation, and must be done in order to be in good standing with the church. Sins can be major like killing someone to something minor such as masturbating or smoking weed. Either way, they both must be confessed the same.
John: I had the craziest night last night, hotboxed it with Julia before she gave me head for 30 minutes.
Paul: Thats dope bro. Gonna go to the bad boy booth this Sunday?
John: Of course, I kinda have to.
A badass chick, typically creative and definitely intelligent. Kind and Charismatic, with a great booty.
"Jennie booth is such a hottie, she's kinda got the Laura Croft swag. I'd let her lead me through the jungle any day. She is the girl with the plan."
a big tub filled with water, on top is a booth and a chair that eventually can throw off the target sitting on it. If you don't like the person you throw a ball to a lever. So when the lever jerks it releases the chair and dunks the target into the tub of water.
The stupid crazy teacher from Northern Lehigh said I couldn't piss him into the dunking booth.
That teacher got pissed into the dunking booth by a 8 year old girl.