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drunk click

Not to confused with a drunk dial, this is when you drunk email people online using myspace/aim etc.

Oh my god Brent totally messaged me last night for the first time in years, he said "hay babtby I miss yu been awguikle call mee" What an obvious drunk click!

by teams! February 11, 2009

6👍 2👎

Click yes

Click yes - click yes is a internet cult (which i a in) who started when a user called NO! made a post where people could vote in his community page and the question was : Should i make a game?
and people who clicked yes (me and other) made videos clicking yes and people who clicked no made videos clicking no

User1: stop clicking yes/no
user2: Click both
user:3 shut shut up click no yellow sheep rocks no! sucks , click no or else baned 4 lief !!!!!!!!!!!!!
user 2 : stop being click no ,, is imatturre (they have a bad grammar)

by mfsm Game November 1, 2021

Click Throat

Getting head from more than one girl at the same time.

"Hey, why dont you and your homegirl come give me some click throat." "Yesterday I fell in love that click throat."

by Willie Willie October 22, 2018

clicks enter

the act of clicking enter, although i have no clue how thats possible as you don't use the mouse to click it

hmmm, i wonder what word means lemme just search it up *clicks enter*

by KiboBeLoser May 26, 2022

Kitty clicking

When two humans, both of the female sex have sex in a scissoring motion. Synonym for scissoring.

Oh I don’t think those two girls are JUST friends, I think they are kitty clicking too!

by Flakeycasey August 13, 2018

click bait

An online tool used to lure people into clicking on your website. It comes in a couple different forms:

One form of click bait is a thumbnail. Often these types of click bait will feature pictures of hot women or something else that can grab your attention

Another popular form is the caption of a thumbnail. These are used to build suspense and make you want to read the page. Some popular examples are "*politician* does *something newsworthy*", "you won't believe what *celebrity* did", and finally, "amazing trick to *do something hard*"

Click bait was very popular when youtube began, as many aspiring youtubers would utilize click bait to get people to click on their videos.

Guy 1: Look at that link! "Amazing trick to lose 50 pounds!"

Guy 2: It's just click bait

by Spodermen2121 z February 18, 2017


Click-bait is something that someone uses a thing that usually to get someone attention. After they clicked it's not what they wanted. Common on Youtube and ROBLOX. Click-bait titles most likely have a name like this: ''I ALMOST DIED'' or ''PRANKING IN THE HOOD (GONE WRONG)''. Those are things that never happen in the video. No one almost dies and no one pranks in the hood (usually actors). The other way people click-bait is when something happened in the video they make it look more dramatic on the thumbnail and the title. People also like to add sexual things to the thumbnail or title to grab peoples attention. For example: ''THE MOST HOTTEST GAME EVER'' It turns out to be some first-person shooter game. The other way people click-bait is they say a title but they don't finish it so you can get curious to click on the video. For example: ''WE NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING'' or ''WHO DID THIS TO ME?!''.

Click-bait sucks.

by DoIevencare? November 4, 2017