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An amazing friend who is always there for you. She's crazy, exciting, and never fails to make you smile. Most of all, she's a great person.

Cole makes my life a thousand times better.

by >*< January 2, 2009

85πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

The Cole

anyone who is a mother fucking fudge packing punk ass bitch of an emo/goth/fag kid. These kids are to be talked about behind their backs, but be warned, because if they get wind of what you said, they are likely to come and stab or pierce your flesh wih one of their many needles they keep hidden in their gay ass black combat boots.

I was talking about how hard I did The Cole's momma yesterday, and that little motherfucker came and stabbed my testacle with one of his five pins.

by im not saying, because if The Cole finds out, he'll stab me. March 25, 2006

16πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


cole is a guy who will lead you on and break your heart. he's a big asshole, and he comes off as charming and then he will totally change and be a piece of shit dick. he always wants to show his abs off, he looks like a cock sucking fag and acts like one too. if you arent perfect, he wont like you. and if you dont give him what he wants, he wont like you. to prevent major heart break, dont talk, look, or think about cole.

person 1: this guy totally led me on and broke my heart.
person 2: It was cole huh?
person 1: yeah.
person 2: that gay son of a bitch.

by boysarefuckingstupid February 21, 2011

45πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


A brown haired boy that loves basketball and football and he is very funny he also has a weird shaped head and weird head. Every time I look at him I cringe because of the blackheads on his chin anddd he gets no bitches also he likes fingering dudes in the ass on the low but he is funny and cool

His name is Cole

by Swag gag December 19, 2016

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


He’s tall has brown hair, is athletic, can be mean sometimes and kick his friends, also falls in love with people that start with s

Cole is he best person ever

by Carlilina your mommy February 11, 2022


The one you run to when the world is against you. He is funny, kind, smart, caring. He may not show it but he is probably also insecure. Cole is a great friend and will never turn his back on you.

Guy: he dumped her
Girl: why
Guy: she was a bully to Saddie
Girl: he is such a cole

by Evil Queen33 November 15, 2019


He’s got a big as penis and he is sometimes a dick but he is strong, kind, doesn’t take shit from anyone and likes to play games.

Cole is that thing in your moms bedroom

by Big gay 69 November 29, 2021