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Cosmic Brownie

A fruity brown boy who is medically obese. The multi colored chocolate pieces on a cosmic brownie resemble a gay black man.

“Hey Cletus, get that damn cosmic brownie and bring him back to the ranch. He only picked 40 pounds this week!”

by shittersclogged March 9, 2022

Cosmic Brownies

A slang term used to say that you want to eat someone's human waste.

Can I have some Cosmic Brownies???

by poopcats267 November 20, 2023

Cosmic Douma

the most retarded kid the world has ever seen

Cosmic Douma likes to rape kids

by sneakay :3 May 1, 2023

Cosmic douma

A small kid who is very sexy

He love to fuck minors and is a nazi general he is very hot and make people's cunt painful he is the brother of acta and enemy of gay beats

Aww cosmic douma fuck me hard

by Gaysndhcywf3 3D April 18, 2023

Cosmic douma

A small kid who is very sexy

He love to fuck minors and is a nazi general he is very hot and make people's cunt painful he is the brother of acta and enemy of gay beats

Aww cosmic douma fuck me hard

by Gaysndhcywf3 3D April 18, 2023

Cosmic Reef

The coolest person ever, very hot, and isn't gay

Cosmic Reef is lovely

by NotCosmicReef November 19, 2020

cosmic import

(n.) The exaggerated value of an item or concept, especially from the perspective of others encountering a person's inflated ego. Many use the phrase derisively, belittling the concept and originator at once.

Frank's theory of mayonnaise elasticity, though labored over for years, resulted in no great cosmic import. Rather, he ended up in an est commune.

by ignor July 5, 2005