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Man of Culture

A person who is "Based" and is able to recognize a true quality in anything such as movie, tv show, video game or even clothing.

Friend: Have you watched House of the Dragon?
Man of Culture: No, I have been re-watching "The Godfather ( 1972 )" and "Stalker ( 1979 )".

Friend: Bro, wanna play some CoD or Valorant?
Man of Culture: No, I don't care about that garbage, I only play Mil-Sim, EFT and STALKER.

by FluxMode October 22, 2022

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Popular Culture

A fucking disease, a plague, a virus etc.

The world needs to be cured of the popular culture virus.

by VivaldiFan May 1, 2011

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cringe culture

a group of people who bully mentally ill teenagers because they have a deep rooted hate for kids having fun due to them not being loved enough as a child

"Oh my god Sophia likes anime! She's so cringe!"
"Wow, cringe culture? Must've not had a good childhood."

by UFOLOGY July 11, 2022

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2010s Culture

The culture of the 2010s. It is mostly remembered for its movies, TV shows, slang, memes, celebrities, video games, music, etc. Many people however consider the popular culture of the 2010s to be absolutely godawful. This was a time where popular music started devolving, people were using dorky slang words like 'swag', 'yolo', 'bae', 'thot', 'selfie', etc., sagging, too much political correctness, SJWs, special snowflakes, edgelords, fake celebrities who didn't deserve their fame, Americans electing Donald Trump, internet/social media obsession, flat earthers, horrendous memes, and many, many more.

But on the brightside there were many other good things about the culture. There was still some memorable and iconic media and it was mostly a time where people learned things faster because of the internet advancing, but they were still too obsessed with it and were always glued to their phones.

Imagine 30 years from now when we all look back on 2010s culture. How are we even gonna explain some of this stuff to our children? Lol. Some memes, songs, shows and slang words are gonna age terribly and I have a feeling the 2010s will be remembered as a very cheesy decade.

by CelticEagle February 13, 2019

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Trancel Culture

Comes from the words "cancel culture" and "transgender". A specific form of cancel culture which is done (mostly) by online trans activists.

The term was coined by MrGirl.

Max has been tranceled. Trancel culture got him!

by rgbkiller April 3, 2022

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Kalashnikov culture

(In Pakistan) A culture emerging as a result of Soviet-Afghan war marked by easy availability automatic fire arms and settlement of disputes with guns and blood shed. Many of American arms sent for Afghanistan ended up in Pakistani black markets from where anybody could buy them. Assault rifle Kalashnikov (also known as AK-47) has been the most popular automatic weapon until recently and has become the name sake of this culture.

Talibanization is another manifestation of Kalashnikov culture.

by Haider August 25, 2008

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culturally challenged

Politically correct term to replace the "N" word for an African-American acting like what we expect them to act like.

Look at those culturally challenged boys walking up the street with there pants down below their boxer shorts.

Those kids can't pass their SOL tests because they are culturally challenged.

by Larry Burroughs September 21, 2007

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