What closed captions think Josh from Lets Game It Out is saying when he says "Checken Tendies"
Josh: "No one was interested in that time Arby's was closed? damn it! Don't worry Chicken Tendies, You'll get your big break"
How closed captions interpreted it: "No one was interested in that time Arby's was closed? damn it! Don't worry Chicken 10 DS, You'll get your big break"
#DS stands for David So..♂
He comes from Bielefeld. #DS stands for courage, strength, intelligence
And for being well in bed. He lives in Bielefeld (#MDU)
And was born in 2003. He also has Instagram.
His gamer tag is RapperDaemon338
Who is interested? ♥ ☺; ) "
" This Penis is Great. It was painted by #DS
ds + dw (also dsw) is short for dogshit and dogwater, both terms used to describe someone's atrocious performance in a game but can be also extended to pretty much anything where someone has failed to meet even rock bottom expectations.
Best used in combination with words such like, ratio, cope, seethe, shiver etc.
Even better if the holy trinity of ds + dw + dp is used (last one stands for dogpiss), may also shorten it to dswp (not to be confused with the total cringe that is dsmp)
basedsauce: ds + dw bozo, stay mad
cringe_fell: tf does that mean
basedsauce: get a KDA of more than 0.4 and then get back to me
cringe_fell: bruh
cringe twitter user: ratio this random post guys!1!
based twitter user: counter-ratio + cope + seethe + shiver + dswp + terminally online bozo
Zac is a nice person to be around but not a smart ass. He is a fast long distance runner and he is a man child
Boy1; omg that guy looks like vector
Boy2; that is Zac ds
A component of the song "Jordan Belfort"
A girl or woman with a DD bra size
Bitch with double Ds she's a love of my erection and her mini ovaries but I ain't about affection so easily the sober me just smokes and then forgets em. Sometimes this life seems a little simple, especially when they tell me that I am something special... (Jordan Belfort) jordan belfort bitch bra breasts
When a character in a video game/movie/series has the proportions of a character made in a Nintendo DS game so it is built like a silverback gorilla. (i.e. having massive arms and torso and stumpy legs)