A long deep dark hole of sadness that you can never escape. And no one understands how you feel so you out on a fake smile and act like everything is ok. You pretend that your happy but your really on the verge of tears every minute. You think the world has turned on you and you feel you have no purpose to the universe. Like your in grain of sand out of 7 billion people and if you were gone no one would even notice.
Depression is depressing
what i have
HELP MEEEEEEEE !!!(CAN I KMS!!!) depression
Being depressed is feeling unloved, feeling useless and a waste of space. People who are depressed usually hurt themselves in whatever way they can. Or kill them self.
Person1: I'm suffer from depression can you help me?
2010's definition:
Being bored and seeking attention via lame and self-loathing tweets.
Me to my anxiety: Can you calm down, those people don't even think about you...
My depression: Ever.
Me: That's not what I meant.
HAHAHA, like my status, please...
when you feel very empty. you feel lonely. you feel useless. you think jo one cares about you when people actually do. something that makes you want to die.
i tried hanging myself the other day because of how hard depression hits my bones.
Being a fucking Cincinnati fan for any sport regardless of how good they are.
"Hey man did you see that Bengals game?"
"Yeah man I just blacked out drinking to numb the pain of my fucking depression"