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Devious Lick

When you steal school property to see who has the most devious of licks

Bro I just got the most devious lick ever Ayo let me see “pulls out security camera” bro that’s sick

by TJHIJINX September 11, 2021

Devious lick

You keep seeing a fuck ton of these videos on your tik tok fyp thats why you are here.. It means a clever steal

only one momth into school and got an absolute devious lick

by DirtyRat420yoloswag September 10, 2021

Devious licks

A bunch of little shits in school stealing shit from there classes great path to success don’t you think

Yo i got these devious licks videos uploading to TikTok

by Nigerrrrr September 17, 2021

Devious Lick

The devious lick
As far as I know, it is when you steal something (you ‘nick’ a good ‘ol thing) from your school or public place (maybe, I assume I don’t know, I haven’t really looked at it yet) and then you post about it online because man it’s cool.

Dude, did you see my devious lick on Tiktok? I got a soap dispenser, man. It’s freaking sick! My mom was like “where’d you get that?” And I was like “I’m not telling

by sweet lemon carton merch October 5, 2021

Devious Lick

(noun) As far as I know, it is when you steal something (you 'nick' a good 'ol thing) from your school or public place (maybe, I assume, I don't know, I haven't really looked at it yet) and then you post about it online because man, it's cool.

Dude, did you see my devious lick on TikTok?
I got a soap dispenser, man. It's freaking sick!
My mum was like "Where'd you get that?"
and I was like "Not telling"

by I AM Useless October 4, 2021

devious lick

A stolen item with a funny name

"look at this devious lick I just got; I got a soap dispenser"

by jefff734 September 21, 2021

Devious lick

The act of stealing or vandalizing something from your school

Connor hit a Devious lick in the at school yesterday

by EdpLikesCupcakes445 September 17, 2021