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diabetes water

Any sugary beverage, such as regular soft drinks or fruit juice.

All she drinks is gallons upon gallons of diabetes water every day! She's gonna be immobile in months!

by ekolis January 14, 2021

Visual Diabetes

When something looks so sweet, that you get sick from looking at it for too long.

"Stop posting those cute kitten pics or I might catch visual diabetes and eye insulin is fucking expensive, man!"

by El Nauto April 11, 2022

Diabetes Kid from Denmark

A kid normally from denmark. He is fat divorced man who like to exercises. When the sun goes down he becomes a "super anti feminist" and goes around around the city at night and tell all the people that "women's rights" doesn't exist.

that nigga over there looks like a "Diabetes Kid from Denmark"

by 흑인 가정 April 11, 2018

Reverse Diabetes

A.k.a. Insuline resistence. A sickness where your shit body gets fucking slow because movement.act is missing and slows its insuline speed to 4chan user mode. After a short while, you get fucking tired if you can't get any sugar. Once in an Hungarian year, you get a sort of an seizure/diabetic seizure. It's the worst. Also you gain a fuckton of kg. You have to move alot to shed some fucking kgs. If you have it (like me), then Good luck, you're fucked. Great fucking time.


(James) - Yo! Why are you 100 kg?
(Richard) - I have an Isuline Resistence
(James) - The fuck is that?
(Richard) - It's a Reverse Diabetes

by MeatWeed February 17, 2019

Diabetic Muzzleloader

When a woman with low blood sugar is lying on her back being skull fucked, and the man pulls out, places a snickers bar in her mouth, then thrusts it down her throat.

Did you hear about Shelby last night?

No, what happened?

Justin had to do the diabetic muzzleloader last night.

by Big debby March 1, 2023