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A fat girl, bigger than the son. Loves Ethan. Sucks him off every single day, and also loves twinkies.

Wow look at Divine, eating them twinkies

by Csgo_God April 29, 2020


Divine is the girl that is straight forward and would always be there for you when you need it. Divine is the type of person everyone would have a crush on, she probably wouldn’t know it either. Divine is such a pretty intelligent funny person with a beautiful personality. Everyone would like her and others wouldn’t get the chance because they’d be afraid. Divine would be everything a person would love to be friends with, if you have a Divine in your life, cherish her as she will always be a good caring and loyal friend. She would always be active and would make you laugh anywhere anytime no matter how you’re feeling she would always make you feel better. Divine is the type to always be there for you and be everything a person would wish for, she’s important and special and she’s one of a kind, that’s why her name is Divine because it describes how she is so well.

Passing through the hallways with Divine always makes my day somehow.

by totally not N🤫 November 20, 2023


God-like. Describes someone or something with godly qualities.

Possessing super-human power, beauty and intelligence. Evolved to be more virtuous, as well as more intellectually and spiritually advanced than mortals. Doesn't have mortals' bad habits.

Celestial, otherwordly, ethereal, radiant, regal, imposing, graceful and elegant.

Has a glowing healing aura (spiritual presence) and prismatic (pure/crystal-clear) soul.

Ancient in style, tastes, fashion and archecture.


-May inherit a deity's blood in them and be immortal.

-Philanthropist. Loves humanity, does great things for them and assists them within their divine role/purpose.

'When a god does a bad habit of mortals, they aren't being divine, but more like a mortal or monster than a deity.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 23, 2022


Godly / god-like. Like a god.

Virtuous, not morally corrupt, leads by example, dedicated to helping humanity & almost perfect. Graceful, elegant, regal, ethereal and radiant. Has super-human intelligence, beauty and power. Has a pure soul and blessing aura (spiritual presence).

'They say that evil isn't divine, but monstrous.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 2, 2022


When Ellie was born, she was born with a special power. She could surely destroy earth. She had no idea how. As she grew older, she started to realize what she was doing, she became scared. She didn't know what to do. One day, she met the Divine Empire. They told Ellie that they can help her fix earth. She decided to trust them. The Divine empire helped Ellie fix earth. They shown her how to control her powers, and they helped her fix the things she destroyed. Thanks to the Divine Empire, Ellie was able to fix earth. She could save the planet, and she was able to make it a better place. She wasn't sure how it happened, but she knew that she had to use her powers for good. She joined the Shanteller Empire, not being aware. Ellie was happy to help, and she quickly became one of the most powerful members. One day, the Shanteller empire decided to attack Earth. Ellie didn't want to destroy her home planet, but she knew that she had to fight. She fought bravely in the battle. Ellie was heartbroken, but she knew that she had to do her fight. She had used Divine powers she had. Ellie was a god. But one day she visited earth. On arrival, she found that cities were destroyed, and the things were either dead or dying. Ellie was shocked at the sight. With her powers, Ellie saved earth. She made a deal with the Divine Empire: in return for her help, they would save the earth and its people. From that day, Ellie and the Divine Empire were known as the gods of peace.

I'm apart of being Divinism.

by Luciloja May 14, 2023

Divine Extraphysical Form

Divine Extraphysical Form is a name of a power and a form of existence that is basically the divine version of extraphysical form, where divine beings live in extraphysical form. Divine extraphysical form is considered as the advanced stage of normal extraphysical form.

"Divine Extraphysical Form is a concept advocated by divinialism, and divinialism says it is possible to reach divine extraphysical form by technology."

"Next time someone write a fiction about divine beings, consider put divine extraphysical form and divinialist ideas inside it."

by Full Monteirism January 2, 2021

Divine Communism

Divine Communism, shortened as DivCom, is an off-compass left unity ideology and by some a void-compass ideology, that believes that God, gods, divine beings, the divine and divinity are communists and they tried to help humanity to build a communist society in the ancient times and are going to help humanity to build a communist society if they stop being materialist, secular fundamentalist, neoliberal and capitalist and start supporting divine communism. Divine communism is basically divinialism and communist divinialism with marxist-leninist praxis and monteirist praxis, despite consider atheist marxism-leninism as a form of secular fundamentalism such as atheist communism is full secular fundamentalist. Divine communism also advocates the development of divinialism, spiritualicism, extraphysicalism, pandivinism and deistology in order to enable humanity to reach godhood and become communists as gods and the divine actually are.

"Divine Communism is literally a void-compass ideology and an omni-ideology, for being an ideology that superates all barriers of the political compass and of religious compass. Monteirism supports divine communism such as posadism supports extraterrestrial communism."

by Full Monteirism May 10, 2021