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citizens of hell

Person 1 : I'm proud to be dreamsexual!
Person 2 : *pulls out a gun and shoots person 1 25 times in the head*

by Solk mycock February 2, 2022


Dreamsexual, Sognaresexual, Somnisexual, or Yumesexual is a type of asexuality where you feel sexual attraction only in your own dreams.

Contrary to popular belief, this sexuality has nothing to do with Dream or the DreamSMP. The few people who use it to represent him, are not valid Dreamsexuals.

Person 1: I only like men when I’m dreaming about them.
Person 2: What does that mean?
Person 1: It means I’m Dreamsexual.

by Bunnie_Rxses June 9, 2023


Fuck you, this shouldn’t exist, none of you are valid if you think this, THIS IS COMING FRIM A REAL MEMBER OFVTHE LGBTQIA COMMUNITY

I’m Dreamsexual” “go fuck yourself

by Voids Epilepsy March 18, 2022


A person who is such a fucking low life degenerate to the point where they start to try to be quircky and say that they are in love with a minecraft youtuber

Son) I'm dreamsexual

Dad) and I'm glad that you're adopted and I don't have to call this disgrace my son

by NoZoophilesOrDreamStans February 8, 2022


1. A form of asexuality where someone feels sexual attraction in dreams but not in real life
2. The sexual attraction to minecraft YouTuber dream

Jenny: I'm dreamsexual.
Tommy: I know right he's soooo hot
Jenny: what are you talking about?
Tommy: Dream. Y'know, the youtuber?
Jenny: I was talking about the fact that I only feel sexually attracted to someone in dreams.

by June 9, 2022


Dreamsexual is a fake sexuality created by dumb*sses who lost touch with reality and who are into dream
Some people use this for trolling and satire but some sick people take it literally and it resulted in the SCP foundation making a goi because these dreamsexual dream stans harrased technoblade and etc.

When someone who thinks dreamsexual isn't valid (me and everyone who thinks it's fake( are considered Nazis, bigots or dreamphobic.
Dreamsexual is a fake gender that is used to get into the LGBTQ community
It offends the LGBTQ community

GachaJulica: I'm a proud dreamsexual


by The o5 command December 5, 2021


1. Dreamsexual, also known as Sognaresexual and Yumesexual, is when someone only feels sexual attraction during dreams, but rarely or never feels sexual attraction when awake. It is on the asexual spectrum, and the aromantic counterpart is dreamromantic or sognareromantic.

2. Dreamsexual is commonly referred to as the sexual attraction to a Youtuber known as "Dream." Such attraction has made those affected gain the inability to refer correctly to the world around them.

Term 1:
P1: I don't really have any sexual thoughts other than in my dreams.
P2: then you must be a dreamsexual

Term 2:
P1: I'm a dreamsexual and I am valid
P2: You harass a 20 year old man on the internet. Wtf?

by CetoZofumee March 1, 2022