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the panda express

the sexual act of doing a quick preview of different variations of sexual moves in both the vagina and in the butt hole and than busting inside the woman's mouth

Amanda couldn't decide what she wanted so i just gave her the panda express

by sock123 September 22, 2010

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Orient Express

To toss a large amount of salt in ones eye to try and temporaryly blind them.

Man I can't believe he just gave me an Orient Express..I can't see shit!!

by Charlie Malo June 9, 2009

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Velocity Express

A shitty company who cares nothing about it's workers.

"I hate you"
"I've just been Velocity Expressed"

by Heywood May 20, 2004

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Blackout Express

The blackout express can be described as a roller coaster of sorts but one upon which you get on voluntarily. You usually hop on after a shitty shitty day. It usually starts off slow, shotgunning beers with your bros on a tues afternoon or having margaritas with your bitches. Then like every roller coaster, it reaches the top and goes straight fucking down hill from there as you think you handle ten shots in ten minutes and proceed to creep on some girl/sleep with some nasty dude, get in a fight, boot, rally, piss in the middle of the street, boot again, and then finally pass on the floor and get penises drawn on you. Cheers.

Mac: I failed my finance prelim, heres to a good night! (while holding a shot of bartons) I'm hopping on the blackout express!

Tyghe: For fucks sake dude its 9 AM on a monday.

Mac: Sorry for partying?

Tyghe: Welll.....fuck! Give me a shot.

by wackattack789 November 2, 2011

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Palin Express

See Siberian Slingshot, but instead of firing mixture towards any direction you must fire it in the direction of Russia.

Turn west so I can Palin Express your ass!

by GHB21 October 5, 2008

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panda express

A reference to a woman of Asian decent, normally deemed unattractive by other Asian men, yet is exotic and appealing to non-Asian men (or women).

The term is a reference to the fast food Chinese chain which serves cheap, greasy, unpalatable food. Panda Express is never frequented by Asians (with good culinary tastes ).

"Yo, check out that guy's Panda Express dish. Looks like he got the special. I bet he's going to get Gung Pao with it! "

by Banana Lover March 7, 2006

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Wuhan Express

Fornication in Wuhan China without wearing a surgeonโ€™s mask or condom

Damn, did you hear Jake banged that chick on his business trip in Wuhan without a cock-sock or N95? Dude took the fast track Wuhan Express route for coronavirus.

by MayorJohnLee March 3, 2020

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