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A place where people stalk each other and everyone is usually over 40+ years old.

Facebook is dead man.

by yugyug March 4, 2018


A site that in the beginning, was designed to allow people to communicate with friends. However, it has since evolved into a never-ending blur of political rants, kid pictures, and useless quizzes.

Don't look too long at Facebook, it will rot your brain.

by Brain Bane June 3, 2017


noun: a voyeur's paradise.

person 1: Hey there buddy, I'm logging onto paradise now!
person 2: no way! how do you mean?
person 1: Oh yeah, facebook, here I come!

by thesoccergod December 17, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who is obsessed with being on facebook. spends so much time on facebook they know eveyone's status and their conversations with others.

michael webb always knows when I update my status on facebook. he is such a facebooker.

by captain dorsalfin May 13, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


the way to know whos dating who

"I saw on facebook today that Mark Miller is dating Emily Russo! How Random!"

by Alexis Hilton May 4, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


verb; spreading the ass cheeks as wide as possible, inserting another person's nose like a bookmark, and using their own hands to close the "book" (ass) as quickly as possible, rendering the facebookee's face encapsulated in ass cheeks.

I couldn't get the smell out of my nose for a week after Wendy facebooked me.

I was eating this girl's ass and out of nowhere she facebooked me.

Ted drank too much and passed out early so we all took turns facebooking him.

by Young Joe April 12, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cause of total procrastination in teenagers. Therefore it leads to slipping grades in school.

Friend# 1: hey did you get that us history homework done last night?

Friend# 2: nope, i was Facebook last night...
That probably means i willl do it before he starts class : )

Friend# 1: dude, youre going to fail.

Friend# 2: yes, i know.

by spacezebra December 10, 2010

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