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jiggle factor

how much a girl's ass jiggles when you slap it.

when it doesn't jiggle it can either be not sexy or sexy depending on the guy

when it does jiggle a little that is really sexy and alotta guys like it.

when it jiggles too much thats just......

dude 1: oh dude i slapped my girl's ass and it didn't jiggle at all. she had a low jiggle factor.

dude 2:is that good or bad?

dude 1: i say its bad! i want that ass to jiggle.


by tmobileman February 26, 2011

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

sketch factor

A quantitative statement of the sketchiness of an individual, typically measured from 1 to 10.

Chris likes girls who wear bunny ears, sport pigtails and wear glasses. Thus, his sketch factor is a 5.

by chad June 2, 2004

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

cum factor

The amount produced as well as the speed in which hits the females uterus and/or face. It could also be determined how long a person could hold there orgasm.

What is your cum factor Obama, is it better or worse then Saddam Huessin?

by LittleBlackDucks February 13, 2017

BoJo factor

In politics, where to be caught in a lie is not necessarily harmful to one’s career. Generally requires prejudice, frustration and credulousness on the part of the population, a shallow talent pool and a helpful media.

Like Goneril and Regan competing to offer false compliments to Lear, they used the BoJo factor to cover the leader they had doomed with hypocritical praise
The BoJo factor was clearly at work when he was given the post of Foreign Secretary, much to the amazement of the rest of the world

by FedUpWithCrowers July 31, 2016


Describes a person who is so physically attractive that their presence in the room requires either an acknowledgment that the scale actually goes to 12 or a reduction of two points for every other person in the room.

Did you see that new girl Annika? Serious twelve-factor.

by DroneTwo August 15, 2009

Woe factor

When a simple typo changes transforms your accomplishments into something completely different.

Excellent work, congratulations on creating that presentation - it definitely has the woe factor!!

Sure you meant β€œwow factor”... but, umm, thanks, I guess.

by AnonUrbanDict October 2, 2018

porch factor

The increased or decreased number of residents sitting out side or on their homes porch in the evening hours on warm temped nights, to indicate a correlation of higher or lower level of criminal activity based on the theory that the more people present in a given area and the increase of warmer weather, also the chances for interaction with others increased thus the possibility of criminal activity or accidental injury, increases.

I believe there will be a lot of people getting injured tonight because it looks like the Porch Factor is up.

by SMBLAIR May 5, 2015