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female desperation

Female desperation is another term for a female having to pee very badly but is holding or forced to hold her own bladder. this is commonly used for the fetish of omorashi and other weird stuff

Man i love me some female desperation videos

by Missbedwetter April 2, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

female ash

Ash is the name of a really chill person. She usually has black hair, is tall, and doesnโ€™t do or talk the way other girls would talk. She wonโ€™t be crazy about boys but if she is she will say something about it. If you meet an Ash HANG ON TO HER. She will be your best friend for life

Person 1: hey, do you know ash?
Female ash
Person 2: Duh, Iโ€™m her best friend

by Yeet master21 February 20, 2019

Female wookie

Used to refer to a VSCO girl who is extremely tall and has a tendancy to say sksksksk. Usually named Ruby and they always start arguements for no reason.

Bro1: oh my god she keeps harassing me with her hydro flask she is such a female wookie
Bro2: bro that female wookie started chatting so much shit

by pheeeeeeph August 27, 2019

female rage

female rage is more than getting angry, itโ€™s about getting even. itโ€™s the only type of anger that is acceptable to come out of nowhere.

boy: โ€œwhy is she so angry?โ€
girl: โ€œyou wouldnโ€™t get it, itโ€™s female rage.โ€

by ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒš๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜‡ October 19, 2023

21๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

charlie as a female

Charlie is the most beautiful girl in the world she has many friends and is very smart she is a wonderful girl and she most likely has brown hair and brown eyes and is very tall and she most likely is Russian and she usually is very outgoing and is crazy and funny and is the smartest girl in the world she probably has a group she hangs out with but has many friends outside of that group and she will be a yale educated health care provider.

Charlie as a female is a beautiful girl.

by LaylaC February 1, 2017

female dog

a bitch

pet my bitch (female dog)

by sukmadik November 30, 2018

35๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Female Neckbeard

The term 'neckbeard' goes beyond any gender. You may see the average female neckbeard with scraggly long hair to her butt. The hair will be dull and dead from never bathing it, or from frequently dying it. She will have greesy, 2 month overdue roots. She doesn't wear makeup and has a superiority complex about it. Cheap corsets, anime t-shirts, batman merch, and outdated jeans that drag on the ground. Probably has an infected looking eyebrow or lip piercing. Wants a guy who looks like Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston but complains that men are so shallow and only like those fake pretty girls; why can't they just see her for her personality. Social Justice Warrior. Usually wears the stupid jackie-cadet hats that everyone hates from 2002.

Laughes at jokes that only 4th graders would like.

"God, is there a word for a female neckbeard? Because thats what Brittany is."
"I know, she smells like cheese and low tide. I wish she would bathe."

by Kaylathewathful January 4, 2017

58๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž