A turn-based Mecha RPG series by Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) that potrays a futuristic world where Wanzers (pronounced Vanzers, giant humanoid machines) are used in combat. Originating on the SNES, the series is hugely popular in Japan, with only four entries in US.
Front Mission 3 came out in 1990 for the PSX
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A vagina with extra space due to the lack of pelvic floor exercises
Bloody hell Sheila you've got a right Baggy Front! It's like throwing a sausage up an alley!
A Fishy Front is a stink up vagina that's not been washed in a while
"Hey John did you smell Donna earlier?"
"Yeah she's got a right Fishy Front! Bet she's not washed in days, scruffy cunt!"
How a 15 year old girl refers to her genitals when they are trying not to be vulgar.
He asked me to show him my front butt but I did not.
A sex position that is just missionary but the person on top is feeding the bottom stale bread throughout the act.
Dude, last night after the party Emma and I did front goose for like 2 hours.
Front Peddling: verb
Front peddling is when one chick gets all ghetto mode on the other one and stomps up to her face.
Example: oh naw, keke is front peddling on that bitch, shes about to get slapped.
When disparate groups or individuals band together to work on a project or achieve a goal together. For example, several non-profits may present a united front to support or oppose legislation that would affect the people they serve, even though they may otherwise compete for contracts against one another.
The term was originally based on its military applications in terms of different forces allying against common enemies, and also used in terms of revolution and reform movements against common foes.
Although they often disagreed about parenting methods, Bob and Jane decided they would have to have a united front when dealing with Billy's Internet addiction.