Source Code

georgia font

The font that is used to make it look like you've written a lot more on an essay than you actually have. It looks just like Times New Roman, but takes up twice the space and is subtle.

I extended my essay from 1 1/2 pages to 2 pages to meet the 2 page minimum when I switched the font from Times New Roman to Georgia. I love the Georgia font!

by savage12345 February 2, 2018

woodstock, georgia

Woodstock, Georgia used to be a small town until the hipsters took it over.

DAMN when did all these hipsters move to Woodstock, Georgia?!

by IRCheshire April 9, 2018

Georgia Potatoe

Wadded up sock that has been used as a nut rug

It wouldn't shut up, so I gave It a Georgia Potatoe

by NotZoff2 May 19, 2013

georgia bush

A disparraging slang term for President George Bush. Popularized by rapper Lil' Wayne's remix of Ray Charles' "Georgia on my Mind". Refers to Bush's failure to provide care for the poor, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Fuck Georgia Bush, he stole the election anyway!

by cdleosr1 October 24, 2007

137๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Georgia Tech

A black hole for all things good in nature. It consumes all things good. Students consume large quantities of beer and liquor to help cope with the daily onslaught of anal reemage from the faculty and staff. Is also notorious for having hidious members of the female sex.

John entered Georgia Tech with a 1510 on his sat and a 4.0 GPA but graduated with a 2.3 and a drinking problem.

by yourmothersuckscocksinhell November 4, 2005

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Columbus, Georgia

A nice medium sized city near Alabama far enough away from Atlanta to be nice. Home of Aflac, TSYS, Char-Broil Grills, the State Theatre of Georgia, Ft. Benning and the National Infantry Museum. Northern most navigable stop on the Chattahoochee River. Contains some really ugly architecture such as the TSYS headquarters and the government center. Citizens are mostly middle-class workers whose children play baseball take piano lessons.

People from Atlanta know it as "that place where we stop to get some Chick-Fil-A on the way to our beach condo", also "oh, is that a suburb?"

Noted as being significantly better than its Alabama brother to the west, Phenix City.

Also noted for not being near any other city.

-Where are you from?

-Columbus, Georgia.

-Oh yeah! Thats that place with the giant cow outside the Best Buy!

-Yeah! We have great barbeque too!

by pooropolis March 9, 2011

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Manchester, Georgia

Home of the Manchester Blue Devils, some of the worst public education in Georgia, and enough pot to las Cheech and Chong a lifetime. Since its founding in 1909, Manchester has been known for its crooked cops and high crimes. Manchester is the best place out there!

Guy1: Dude, where you from?
Guy2: Oh, Manchester, Georgia
Guy1: Sweet, I've been needin some dope. Gimme a nick.

by ThatsWhatSheSaid19911 September 22, 2010

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