Person one: why did the scarecrow get an award
Person two: why
Person one: because he was out standing in his field
Person two: that was such a terrible joke you’re such a Gus Parker
A very good marijuana leaf.
Often used in a very good joint.
Wanna smoke some gu?
Do you have the gu?
That gu was so good!
She is very stubborn and usually has short, blonde hair. She is very selfish and doesn't care about anyone else. She loves her own type of music and is not afraid to say that somebody's hard work is disgusting. She is smart and sometimes fun but makes big deals out of little things. Be careful of what you say around her.
A ghost who lurks and hunts you. Not to be confused with Faggot Ghost, Gu hunts you for an eat. If you do not have one, you will be infected with constant eating addiction.
"I see Gu at the door!"
"I feel Gu's presence"
"What the Gu"
A Sexy Beast, The Sexy Beast, a man who is near unreachable in the pyramid of sexiness. A man even acknowledged by Cheuk Hin himself.
Oh my, is that Gu? I am about to faint from the sexiness emanating from that sexy body of his.
A word meaning good, great, awesome, and anything else with the same meaning.
“Bro that’s so gu”
“I heard the gu news”
“That’s gu!”
Code for cunnilingus, for use in pubilc places.
"Man I sure wish I was Cuddling Gus right meow"