When you're rock climbing and you have to poop off the rock face.
Josh ate too much granola and soy protein shakes while climbing and had to drop a chocolate hawk half way up the cliff.
One who loves and/or prefers war.
War Hawk: War, war, war, war, war !
Hippie Stoner: Peace, love, and freedom !
War Hawk: War!
the art of talking mad shit over the internet.
man, why you brown-hawking that dude?
Gooch Hawk is a genital pube-style in which a male shaves his entire genitalia but completely disregards the Gooch. The Gooch's pubic hair then grows out of proportion and journeys to the anus. This trail protrudes between the butt cheeks resembling a "mohawk". This is called a Gooch Hawk.
Girl 1: Hey how was your date with Chayane?
Girl 2: Everything went well until he took me home.
Girl 1: Why's that?
Girl 2: He shaved everything but his GOOCH. The hair was so long it penetrated his ass crack.
Girl 1: Oh he must have been sporting one of those Gooch Hawks.
A lesbian that is on the prowl for a hook up.
That girl at the bar talking to Sara is definitely a scissor hawk!
when you have to run to the toilet to take a shit and as soon as your pants hit the floor your rectum knows its time to release a hawksmash into the toilet. Often includes big splashes.
Dan: What is wrong with you dude?
Ryan: I need a bathroom, so i can take this hawk smash
when you had a dream about something but you tell the story as if it happened in real life
A: One time I was driving and I saw a hawk swoop down and catch a mouse right outside the window!
B: That was a dream, stop hawk-swooping