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A tickle that makes you horny.

Stop touching me like that, you’re going to give me a horn-tickle!

by Thomas The Great June 30, 2021

Cold Horn

A disease where a musical instrument (most likely made of brass) becomes cold. The cold makes it harder to play the instrument, especially when it uses a mouthpiece.

Cases of cold horn usually occur in cold climates (duh) or transporting the instrument outside while it is cold. (once again, duh)

This can be avoided by keeping the instruments mouthpiece in a warm place, like a pocket.

Another way to avoid it (if your a trombone, trumpet, etc player) is to buy a plastic mouthpiece

Connor: Ahhhh dude, I got cold horn while walking in here.

Quinten:Haha, sucks dude, I had my mouthpiece in my pocket, so mine is warm.
Good luck with that high F.

by schevendy scheven March 13, 2009

Rhino’s horn

An eye wateringly large and dimensioned dildo that defies the laws of physics in regards to the human body. Also a similar length and girth to a rhino’s actual horn.

I was on this girl’s bed and we were fooling around when she reached into her drawer and pulled out a hell of a rhino’s horn. It wouldn’t have been a fair contest so I apologised and immediately left.

by Dixieland grandad haver November 26, 2018

Horn Spit

The spit from a horn that you find on the floor, in the practice rooms or on your orchestra or ensemble seat. It is usually regarded as disgusting.

Eww! Why is there horn spit on my chair? I play the violin.

by ThatAsianMusician January 18, 2020

Jon Horne

One crazy ass mofo that like long dick on the beach anal porn on Sundays and fingers himself to sex and the city

Max: Alex stop being a Jon Horne
Alex:Fuck off man!

by flamingbiscuit February 12, 2015

Cranking the Horn

Masturbating in a comedic fashion. Or to masturbate as a means of time-wasting for mild enjoyment.

Guy 1: What did you do at the weekend?
Guy 2: Nothing much just sat at home cranking the horn.
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: You know, beating my soldier, caressing my shaft, you know, treating the little guy.
Guy 1: Ohhhhh, yeh same, I wanked until it hurt me physically. We really need girlfriends.

by CrankingMyHorn October 25, 2022

Horn Pop

When a brass instruments points their horns up to the sky during a loud part in a marching band show to prevent the pit from going deaf. Not very effective when used by woodwinds.

Trumpets, measures 24-30 are going to be a horn pop, so be sure to play loud.

by Vodka Bottle November 3, 2015