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A person who wishes to be as humble as ALEX JONES.

Oh my, I wish I could be as humble as ALEX JONES.

by Truth teller 2001 January 3, 2024


To be like Alex Jones

Gosh golly I wish I could be as humble as Alex Jones.

by Truth teller 2001 January 4, 2024


Always has been there for people he considers family and cares deeply of them. Has been through hell and back to put a smile on peoples faces.

Humble always seems to cheer me up

by Nsjakdmf November 23, 2021


A man who is extremely down to earth

Wow josh is so humble

by Joshissoumble February 23, 2020


An ordinary person doing amazing things without mentioning it. (In other words Makenzie is humble)

Me: “ wow Makenzie you are so humble
Makenzie: “ wow don’t mention it!”

Me: “you’re sexy and amazing and beautiful”
Makenzie: “stop don’t make me blush

Also Makenzie: “I’m so incredible no one is like me”

by humble and honest_123 January 9, 2022


Braulio sierra Díaz

Braulio sierra Díaz is so humble

by May 27, 2024


1) A modest person who is able to achieve something, but doesn't feel the need to brag about it or show it off to everyone else.

2) Someone who is able to recognize their own mistakes, listen to others and try to understand them first before saying something.

"James is a really humble person, he finished the project all by himself without the help of the group and still gave everyone credit."

"Jessica is not humble at all, her boyfriend told her many times he doesn't like it when she hangs out with her ex but she doesn't listen!"

by Koreacty January 16, 2024