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The Sink Damm

When a person with a very low self-esteem and self-respect repeatedly gives head to her partner and proceeds to spit his load into the nearest unused sink. After a certain point in time the sink will become clogged and only mass amounts of Draino will be able to fix it.
Note: this will take extreme dedication and/or whoring out to accomplish.

I needed a shitload of Draino to fix The Sink Damm

by Xero24 January 22, 2012

sink spending

the action of spending 20 seconds or more in the bathroom to wash your hands.

"Everyone should be sink spending in order to keep themselves safe from the virus."

by Hardcore_Spice April 3, 2020

Gay Sinks

Something said to notify someone of a gay couple or a sink with a turned faucet

Man, those are some gay sinks.”

by Death Is Deadly November 8, 2020

sink it in one

the process of ripping a bong or pipe hit in one breath and finishing the entire thing

Did you see Niko rip that bong before?
Yeah he managed to sink it in one

by gandalf326 August 10, 2017

Heat Sink

Heat Sink - Anything or anyone that pulls a person's energy away from the task at hand.

A heat sink might be friends, video games, chores/obligations, etc.

I wanted to get to the gym today but my grandma called and spent all day on the phone with me. She's such a heat sink.

by Wolf892 July 5, 2022

sinking beef

Syn. - Fuckin

(Verb) Guys, I truly enjoy sinking beef.

by Pelvic slap October 12, 2017

brain sink

the government limiting mental abilities even though people can only use about ten percent of their brain

The brain sink stood in the way of historical Americans and naturally born affluent Americans reaching their full potential.

by Coop Dupe November 16, 2019