A woman who goes to funerals to blow men's grief away
My mom died and I was really sad but then this grief blower came and gave me head behind the pew and suddenly I didn't feel so bad
New term beaing use by gamers to replace "N00b" The term was made up by Sony beta testers playing the JakX Combat Racing game.
You're such a Glass Blower.
Like a rusty trombone but instead of the her hand reaching around there is a 2nd woman giving you head.
I just had the experience of my life those 2 sluts just gave me the blower vac
A person who specializes in giving blow jobs to people with choads
Mr. Duffy is such a choad blower
A blower of fannies. But it's actually what fans were called in the 1900's
"Turn off the fanny blower, Micheal! You're going to raise the power bill!"
A man who blows another mans dick in order to get money or other offerings.
This man is a great Whistle Blower i already came twice and only paid once.
Anus blower: A leafbower-type of sex toy that you put up the anus
and use to blow everything around it can also be used to inflate the stomach like a balloon. May cause serious injury without the proper amount of lube applied
Guy #1"Dude, she's so into me, she even let me use an anus blower"
Guy #2"On her or on yourself?" Guy #1"What do you think?" Guy #2"Dude I leterally see the tear streaks"