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jelly bracelets

Jelly Bracelets are a kewl accesory and they look good with lots of different outfits thats all they are so ppl who dont like that GET OVER YOURSELf we arnt telling you to wear them so just let the fad pass i mean cant u just let 1 fad pass without haveing to ridicule it and try and stop ppl from wearing then god man get over it!

I wear them all the time but ppl dont come over to me at parites and go so what colours have u got broken and i wear black-means nothing pink-means nothing red- means nothing and clear- means nothing i mean not all kids have dirty minds only the ppl who are having such a big probleme with it are the ones thinking like that.

by Lindsey May 11, 2004

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Jelly Bracelets

Bracelets worn by teenagers who are desperate for sexual activity.

Look, if I wear these Jelly Braclets, someone might actually be stupid enough to have sex with me.

by Word of the Day May 28, 2004

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Jelly Bracelets

These are so stupid i dont understand y ppl think they are tru cuz now girlz are afraid 2 wear them cuz of sick stupid boiz. Until a lady came and talked about them to mi class no1 had any idea that they were even sex related now ppl make up definitions 4 colors 2 scare the guelz who wear 'em they are so0o0o0o0 stupid

i cant even wear them without being made fun of then their just a waste of money

by i cant tell u December 17, 2003

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jelli bracelets

I love jelly bracelets. I agree that they are fun to play with,fashionable, and if it is a kiss or hug, Iagree the meanings might be fun(I only use means if it like kiss on lips/cheek or it is a hug)
I do hate that aludts think that alll we want is to have sex if we wear the bracelets.

when I am marryied I might use the other meaning of jelli bracelets but for now I am only for kissing on cheek or lips and huging. (so far I am a virigin and proud of it !)

by jewely lover March 24, 2007

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jelly bracelets

Plastic or something bracelets. Made in every fucking color under the sun. Some people (i.e. pervy adults who want to make people they don't like into sluts) say they have all these weird meanings, and if someone breaks one of yours while you're wearing it, you have to do whatever. Worn by scene kids trying to look cool, emos trying to get laid, goths trying to look hxc and punks just because people don't like them. The meanings of the colors are disputed, and the only ones that have the same meaning everywhere are:

Black- sex
Clear- whatever the breaker wants

Of course, this is ridiculous, you do not have to do anything just because some horny asshole breaks your jelly bracelet, other than make them buy you a new one. And you should not stop wearing them just because of what they mean.

Boy breaks Girl's pink jelly bracelet.
Boy: haha, you have to flash me now.
Girl: na-uh, you have to finger me.
Other Person notices, and walk up to them.
Other Person: haha. He broke your pink bracelet, you have to make out with him now.
Girl: ewwwww. No fucking way.
Boy: no! She has to flash me!
Girl: whatev. I don't want your dirty hands on me anyways.
Girl walks away.
Other Person: haha. Stupid loser.

There's also:
Girl with arms covered in jelly bracelets of various colors and Friend are walking down the hall. Friend sees really nerdy/ugly/rude/pre-pubescent Boy walking towards them. Friend calls Boy over and holds girl down.
Friend: quick! Rip off her jelly bracelet! The black one!
Boy: why?
Friend: just do it!
Girl is kicking and screaming.
Boy: um... ok...
Boy rips off a black jelly bracelet. Not-so-much-a Friend lets Girl go. Girl realises he ripped off her bracelet.
Girl: fuck! Why did you do that??
Boy: what?
Friend: you have to have sex with her now!
Boy: ew! No!
Girl slaps Friend and Boy and stomps away.

by Lilli December 18, 2006

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jelly bracelets

OMG! teachers and parents would u all just stop worring and chill the frick down i mean they r just bracelets and me and my firends r Pissed off cause u wont let us wear tyhem anymore because of the so called SEXUAL TERMS ! i mean there r ppl who wear them 4 that and i no that but sum of us dont and we want to get our bracelets back and start wearing them again ! its all about FASION . say it with me now F.A.S.H.I.O.N.

Hloy crap u broke my green bracelete now i will have to give u head ! YEAH right i mean let us kids do what ever we want with our bracelets !

by Kelly April 22, 2004

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Jelly Bracelets

Well,you can believe what ever you want about the jellys....just b/c someone snaps it of does't mean you have to...nobodys making you believe in them!!
At my highschool we just joke around about it..if someone snaps it of we are all like oh yea we will soooo do that tonight..doesn't mean we are going to.
I wear them all the time, it is just sorta a cool thing now. It is funn to just joke around about it....If someone wants to use the meanings that is there business and you should not critisize them about it. They just wanna have fun.
So about back to the thing about beleiving in them or not....jus b/c little kids were them does not mean that they have to go along with what people think the def. is.....

I don't think that little kids should know about the meanings
my b.f's little sister:
" I have seen those bracelets before, the green one means: outdoor "S"
and the purple one means: anal"
*I tryed not to laugh
Her mom got pissed off...and now they are banned from her school....

by Mickey October 10, 2004

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