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Shes a bitch

Jenna stays bitchin.

by Jenna231919 August 26, 2017

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A personal therapist. Tries to be nice to everybody unless your rude or mean. She loves everyone but only some actually love her. Her friends are the nicest in the world. She gets confused often but catches on. Her friends are 50% girls and 50%boys. If you have a Jenna trust her she makes mistakes like everyone so forgive her okay.

โ€œI have a problem!โ€
โ€œGo ask Jennaโ€
โ€œYour right she can answer this!โ€

by Heyitsmeeeee August 9, 2018

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Jenna is kind, caring and when youโ€™re down somehow she will always be there but as soon as you are better sheโ€™ll be gone just like that. Jenna is amazing one on one but she sometimes tries to hard to be popular and is not very loyal but over all Jenna is a great friend who will always come around. Jenna might not always realize she is hurting you feels so make sure to talk to her if you think somethings going on. If you know a Jenna and are lucky enough to have her as a friend, best friend or girlfriend you are very lucky. Treat her right, she deserves it.

Random person:Jenna is the best

Random person 2: ya sheโ€™s amazing but she can be disloyal

Random person:I know, I just have to remember to talk to her, I love her anyways

by Fizzygirl223 March 21, 2020

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Sheโ€™s annoying but she can make you laugh and is a fun person. Sheโ€™s tall and has a kinda pretty face. And she is always very hyper. Sometimes she doesnโ€™t listen but you can somehow always make a joke with her. She has a very kind spirit and can be kind and always sticks up for her friends.

Jenna is being annoying
but itโ€™s okay, because she has a very kind spirit.

by onlineperson678 December 29, 2018

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Jenna potter
She's nice but wayyyyyyy to ubsesesed with anime exspecialy my hero academia she looks relly gay .She a gay fucker. And she's relly stupid -

You still awsome tho -love gay trans fucker

Jenna is so fucking gay

by Gay trans fucker August 12, 2019

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Jenna is a really interesting girl. She likes to laugh especially she isn't supposed. She also likes to buy a LOT of merchandise. Jenna also likes to spend all her time on her phone but you know she'll spend time with you too.

Person 1: Wow, Jenna looks at a lot of memes.
Person 2: Yeah.

by superfunnyusernameeee July 29, 2018

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Annoying, very acrobatic, cool headed, close to earth, person, but will always, ALWAYS, be wearing some sort of booty shorts, watch out guys!!! She be the real test for your loyalty

Oh, she be acting like such a Jenna.

by Memer McMemes August 1, 2018

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