Synonymous with BAD BITCH and BAD ASS
She’s about to Judy Wallace her ass.
I can believe that lady is carrying 30 pickup trucks while in one hand a baby on her hip and a phone in the other, so Judy Wallace.
A Judy chop at the ready. Used to decapitate potlickers
Poor Cletus snuck up on me when I was carrying a half cocked Judy. I mistook him for a potlicker and nearly took his head off.
to make an ass out of an inmportant institution or person(s)
institutions: school, bank, etc.
persons: principal, president, etc.
A: those badasses are gonna pull a judy
B: pull a judy? i heard they were gonna hack into the school's system
A: yeah, you know, make the administration look stupid? they're givin' everyone A+++++'s man
Term used for someone when they are being rude, unkind, or downright mean.
Person 1: I think your sweater is ugly
Person 2: You’re being such a Rudy Judy rn
When girls judge other girls on their outfits
Those two bitches were chucking a Judy about her dress.
The ultimate exclamation when chopping someone in the throat who is talking too damn much
Boy, if you don't shut your mouth, I'ma "judge Judy chop" you right in the throat.