v. The act in quickly going behind someone with a FastTrack and skip paying the toll.
The act of a guy forgetting his fasttrack, and gunning it right up behind the person who does and driving through with him.
Toll Jumping happens most often on Express Lanes or at Toll Booths
When someone goes and commits death to self and goes of bridge in to lakepool.
lets go commit Bridge Jump together.
To embark on an exciting and potentially dangerous adventure.
Justin Bieber will jump the donkey when he goes hunting for sharks from a helicopter.
Anticipating the traffic light turning green, thus starting to drive while it is still red.
I was late for work today, so I was light jumping at every intersection.
This girl all about me for 3 months, then she suddenly decided to start jumping convent.
Getting jumped by a group of gay guys
Calling a gay guy fruity then a gang of them jump you - jump a skittle
A celebrity committing career suicide on live television. Also see jump the shark.
Tom Cruise jumping the couch on Oprah.