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Just cause

When you do something because why not it doesn't effect anything
Like when someone talks to you because why not

Person 1) why are you talking to me
Person 2) just cause

by Clara 2000 April 2, 2018

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

imma just

When you need to leave an uncomfortable situation/conversation

Guy 1: and then she told me to lick her period blood
Guy 2: Imma just...*leaves room*
bruh leaves

by 0takuBabeWhoNeedsTherapy February 22, 2016

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Just J

The adult man Jesus, son of God. The Just differentiates the adult from the commonly used baby, baby J.

Just J could walk on water

by Meera Swami January 25, 2007

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

just kidding

The universal word for I regret what I just said.

Chelsea: 9+3=8 (looks over at friends problem) just kidding!

Amy: OMG, Laura’s such a fugly bitch!
(Laura’s comes up next to her.)
Amy: just kidding!

by medusa4 September 23, 2006

342πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž

...just kidding?

An expression used (typically through text) as a way to find out if the person you are talking to is okay with what you just said. If they are okay with it, then the conversation can continue to build. If not, then you can confirm it was only a joke.

John: You, me, and your girlfriend should have a three way.
John: ...just kidding?
Ben: That would be really weird.
John: *hesitation* Yeah I know.

by weallcomefromstars April 26, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Just Demand

A kid, who is 15 years old and still plays Fortnite. He also plays roblox and scams little kids. Him and his partner, Southern Enforcement do not care about their fans, and only do it for the money. When he quit Roblox thinking he had made enough money, he said "We are going to FiveM, where there arent little annoying ROBLOX kids." This proves how unthankful and scummy this kid is. He also doesnt brush his teeth and weighs about 200 lbs.,

Bruh, you took my money and didnt give me anything, dont be a Just Demand.

by SWAKZ849 April 17, 2020


A dude that think he talking to you for real, but don't realize he just a nigga.

Rasputia: You talkin to Leroy still?

Nikki: Nah, girl. He just a nigga.

I got so many just-a-nigga's in my phone.

by It's Midget 21 April 1, 2016