Source Code

Mark Maes

Someone who is a grandpa. Someone who got coined by the TAG.

Get The f outta my way. I’m Mark Maes

by Mark Maes June 9, 2020

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Abbie Mae

A great person , snake charmer ;) , 100% trust worth . qween B

your such an abbie mae

by TheGuard January 26, 2017

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Mae hg

a way of teasing your friend mom in khmer

yo hello bro you look like shit
Mae hg

by YSR Shark May 21, 2020

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jeane mae

Beautiful inside and out. She is also kind, sweet, loving, admirable, charming, funny and a lot more.She will always at your back if you fell down and will always make you feel like your worth something. Shes not like most people, she is different in a beautiful way. She can always know when your down, and make you feel better in a second. Her laugh and smile just make your day.If you have a Jeane Mae in your life never let go or you will regret it.

I was so down that day and Jeane Mae make me feel better.

by Zion9 June 7, 2021

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Sienna mae

A sweet and beautiful 16 year old tik toker who brings a ton of peoples confidence up.

Person 1:I haven't ate for 3 days
Sienna:Come sit with me and eat please your body is perfect.
Person1:Thank you sienna mae for helping me become confident.

by Confident queens and kings December 8, 2020

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Mae West

1. a early inflatable life preserver

2. a parachute malfunction that divides the cloth so that it resemble an exaggerated brassiere .

(First sense partly from the resemblance to A well endowed American actress who was then appearing in films)

A Mae West was on display a the Museum today.

by The Return of Light Joker July 7, 2009

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Honey-mae is a sweet girl, but don’t be fooled by her looks as she can be fiesty.however she can never find true love

I think Honey-mae really suits jeans!

by Honey-mae October 15, 2018

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