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Maci is a fuckboy.

Who was that guy you fucked with?


by Unicornnn101 November 20, 2021


Maci is a sweet crazy funny person. She will always have your back thourgh your ups and downs. You can share secrets with her and she will sure enough keep it safe. She is the funniest person in the world you can try to be mad but she always makes you laugh. She is pretty. She doesn’t chase she attracts

I wish I was cool like Maci

by Gangy💕 August 9, 2022


The term "Maci" is usually associated with an extremely bald, fat and outrageous individual who comes from an unknown place under the name of North Macedonia. They've been taking part in a "Six-Pack in a year" transformation challenge for the last 4 years. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances they've not been able to achieve their goal. Furthermore, this individual is known for lacking both hair and a fatherly figure in their childhood. Additionally, they are famous for having a broken ass jump shot. Finally, they're the co-founder of Art Dream, a well known art company which sells an average of 0.3 pieces a year.

"F#ck off you fat Maci", "I don't have a six-pack, I must be a Maci", "Damn my business is failing, it must be a Maci",

by Padding1x ツ February 11, 2024


A loving girl who deserves everything good that comes her way. A happy soul, and a Christian lover

Maci loves Christian

by Squishyboi July 15, 2023


Someone that once you get to know her your life would never be the same without her. Big things come in small packages is an understatement, smart, funny, and genuine, with the perfect mix of sweet and spicy she'll have you counting your blessings when you get to know her and smiling like a kid in a candy store when she calls you friend.

I was blessed the day i met you Maci

by LoveAlwaysWins01 November 30, 2023


Maci’s a very sweet girl, she can be a little moody and she gets irritated easy sometimes but she has her reasons. She gets mad a lot but never at you and only will show signs she is when she gets comfortable with you. She’s smarter than she thinks she just doesn’t get chances to show it often. Fucking fortnite master. Really pretty chocolate brown eyes. She gets taken advantage of more then she realizes and taken granted. You can always count on her.

“You hear about the hockey game Maci went to the other night?”
“Yeah they shot them out of the park.”

by kansmxkci March 3, 2024

Maci A

A funny loveable person who is like a side character who usually Likes horror movies nintendo games has about 7-10 friends loves fall finn wolfhart and skittles and boobs

Woah Maci A is a total clutz

by Horrorluver July 24, 2022