A skinny guy who enjoys sleeping in the flaps or folds of a very fat woman.
Dave loves sleeping with the mother in law, he loves the hotdog mama
Hog Mama is a semi-mythical creature whose origin revolves around trucker lore in Prescott Arizona. Hog Mama is said to be a disfigured woman who originated in New Jersey but later became a semi truck driver and crashed into Watson Lake. Legend says Hog Mamas lair is in the Bradshaw Mountain range by Mount Union where she wills Javelinas into existence. Hog Mama supposedly can control all the Javelinas in and around Prescott Arizona.
Honey get my gun, Hog Mama is howling tonight.... HERE SHE COMES ("YEEEEEEEE")
1. mama with the most street cred
2. mama with the tricked out bubble van
"dude there goes mama shepz in her bubble van!"
The Mother of Everyone. The most Crazy bitch you'll ever meet. DON'T FUCK WITH HER CHILDREN OR HEr
Yeah that's Mama Plateau and her children Larry, Alfie, Steven, and Joshua. And her On again of again boyfriend and maker of hentai Amy
name to the fluids released when the fetus bursts through the vagina after birth, eg. the secretions that occur when one becomes a mother
"Damn Mama Secreta, you just had a baby"
"Aw shit, I got your Mama Secretions all over my hand"
"The host of American Idol (Ryan Mama Secrecrest)"
A female that licks. Usually referring to salt. Originated on The “Good Mythical Morning” Youtube show.
Lick Mama Nicole. “Lick daddy Dan and Lick Daddy Dale, comin’ over the hill Salt in a pale.”
Donna: Hey Puff Mama, what's today's grub?
Mrs. Puff: Hi Donna, chili, same as always.