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Tristan Goodman

Tristan is a mega faggototay that suck mega faggototay Cock ps .lol this was just a joke

by Shit inher tinders September 12, 2017

mega absol

Game Freaks (admittedly bad-ass) replacement for Absol not having the evolutionary family it deserves.

So gen IV has Mega Evolutions, huh? Wonder what those'll be like...
Holy Shit, Mega Absol!

by Decibel0 January 5, 2017

mega fuckboy

just like fuckboys, they live among us, except they also have girlfriends

abel isn’t just a regular fuckboy, he’s dating taylor. HES A MEGA FUCKBOY!!!!

by mustyass December 18, 2018

Mega Knight

A powerful legendary card in clash royale. It's 7 elixir which means it's not cheap. This legendary card has a lot of hitpoints but does a moderate amount of damage. What makes this card op is his jump, his jump deals 2 times his original damage meaning it can kill the magic archer and mother witch with it's jump. The mega knight can almost defeat all the ground troop in the game besides pekka and inferno tower. The mega knight is the third card in the game with the most hitpoints and it is one of the most annoying cards in the game.

The mega knight is gay because of his hitpoints and jump damage.

by RandomGuyIsCool November 23, 2022

3👍 2👎

Mega Matt

An overall god of a person. Mega Matt is one with calfs thicker then Mia Melkova.

"Dang he's cool," "Yea he's Mega Matt."

by Clitlickw March 28, 2019


1. An adjective used to describe someone that's VERY pissed off.
2. When the area you are in is filled with cheese. A LOT of cheese.
3. When you rip a fart so big that you swear you feel your butthole tearing open, and the person next to you feels a rumbling vibration.
4. A term in the video game Death Road to Canada (aka a very good zombie game that i've lost over 211 times and won zero times) that shows the zombies are super irritated and will come after you faster than the girlfriend you cheated on.

"Hey Jim, you feeling Mega-Cheesed again huh?"
"Shut up Todd." Suddenly, a pissed off zombie comes through the door and throws cheese everywhere.
"Oh great Jim, now you made the Mega-Cheesed zombie fill the room with cheese, making the room Mega-Cheesed!"
"So what Todd? I mean you Mega-Cheesed in your pants earlier, and I could feel it from a mile away."

by OiSlumai October 21, 2020

Mega Chillum

A device for smoking cannabis,used in conjunction with lungs,bottle bags,waterfalls and buckets.

A Mega Chillum must hold a minimum of 2 and a half decent bucketsworth of skunk or burnt rocky,and be able to pull in once without leaving second burns,this is neccesary to achieve the term "Mega"

"gonk pass me the mega chillum"

"i was stoned to fuck after 3 lungs through the mega chillum"

by gonkyboy April 18, 2007