the best fucking game to ever exist.
“bro you’re a dumbass if you don’t know what minecraft is”
a gaem wear u hit blox and maek wepeojns and destroy monstore yes
help me i slept inn the neter in minecraft
A blocky game that is fun, usually compared to Fortnite with the words "Minecraft good Fortnite bad", loved by all Redditors, has infinite possibilities, many youtubers such as the infamous "Dream" play this game.
NoOOOOOooOoOo FoRtNiTe iS bAd MiNeCrAfT iS gOoD!1!1!1!1!
Really popular game that's all Cubez
Hey dude you want to go play Minecraft?
The best fucking game in the world
Hey Jeremy, want to play minecraft?
Hell yes.
minecraft is a brilliant game where you use blocks to build stuff and survive, it is a block game and block game takes all the pain away
person 1: hey man, wassup?
person 2: i’m playing MINECRAFT, i’ll talk later
A game that protects people from losing their virginity.
Minecraft saved me from doing 69!