When, after a large portion of buttered popcorn in the movie theater, your significant other gives you a handjob with a thoroughly greasy hand then, sucks you to completion with all the butter flavor.
A buttered handy, finished by a glug glug nod.
Girl, let me get that Oscar Nod
A derogatory name for an Middle-Eastern man
The awk-nod at 7-11 is slow af.
Don’t ask the awk-nod’s to come to our party.
A fentanyl user continuously nodding of during a conversation or social activity, and when awoken from that state expressing with great haste that they are just tired.
Friend "Hey sir-nod-alot...ur gonna fall over " Reply "I dozed off cause I'm so tired I haven't slept in forever!" Friend "ur high!" Reply "no man I haven't had any all day...I'm sick!"
to be sleeping
Jamie's in the land of Nod at last.
The hood name for a “Narcan shot!”
Yo’ yo’ yo’ hand me that Nod Pin quick this dudes o d ing over here I can’t catch a body, not again.Why does this shit keep happening?
nod: a man once approached me told me: yod,kod,lod,bod
i started to squirm all over the place.but thanks to jah i ate his booty and died