Daily public transportation commuters experience this in various forms, head bob, head tilted back, or chin on chest are some varieties. Mouths can be open or closed, and snoring sometimes occurs.
This day was so exhausting I can't wait for my bus nap.
My bus nap was so good I missed my stop.
The indescribable (post-nap) feeling like one has just completed physical exercise, even though they were sleeping the whole time. It is unclear how or why they sweat when they sleep, just that they wake up slightly dirtier than before they went to bed. Usually accompanied by a foul odor similar to urine.
Characterized by heightened heart-rate, fear, the need to shower, and possible alienation from their friends.
"Damn bro, Jim looks like she just went to the gym but she's in her pajamas. I think she's got Nap Sweat"
"Did Alvin just pull a nightfap or does he have some mean Nap Sweat going on?"
similar to a granny or power nap but you wake up in a foreign environment
*Neil wakes up to find he is asleep on a walking trail*
Neil: I must have had an adventure nap.
When the heat is so bad your body is condemned to an uncomfortable sleep. You are usually too hot to move and will wake up feeling groggy until you get some fresh, cool air.
"I just had another damned heat nap... I gotta start opening the windows."
When you wake up from a nap mad as shit because you forgot you have the whole rest of the day ahead of you.
When Kyle woke up from his nap he had nap rage because he realized he had work.
A short nap that's needed when you've had too much to drink. These naps usually don't become necessary until you have reached your 30's.
She needed a rally nap before she could return to the party. After her rally nap, she was ready to party all over again.
An hour or two of wakefulness sandwiched by two periods of sleep. Most are wrongly worried when this happens; it was however the historical norm. The practice quietly died out with electric lighting.
Person 1: You get some last night?
Person 2: Yeah, during an anti-nap.
Person 1: A wha-
*Person 2 smacks the ignorant.*