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That one Christian nerd that never swears but try’s to fit in with the black kids by saying the word nibba which is based of the word nigger or nigga which the ghetto white kids say

Christian nerd-wassup my nibba

Black guy-u finna get jumped
White ghetto kids-nigga I’m finna best yo ass

by Booty clapper69 April 28, 2019


is a good meme and white people can say it

hey my nibba

by yrmomgas May 24, 2018


(Indian subcontext) An immature young boy. Mainly genZ.

Female -Nibbi

"14 year old nibba."

by Bawse.lady August 6, 2019


The 'accepted' version. Yeah no I'm not saying it you twat.

Yeah nibba, let's go.

by ohyeahbuoy June 6, 2019


a memei way of saying the n word, or bypass a filter of a game

Look at that NiBBa over there.

by Mr. Huggers March 10, 2018


A group name Between two idiots

Sig: Yo ma NIBBA How're you doing?

Asger: Just slowly dying NIBBA.

by Sig the parist February 22, 2021


the word that little white boys use so they don’t get beat tf up ✌🏾🦶🏿👶🏿

Kyle:Yeah Jared There was so many nigg- *black man walks past* I mean nibbas

by Limmiture Guy July 17, 2019