Source Code


to drink and drive, to get pulled over because you are drinking and driving

"I pulled an big dad last night"
"I got pulled over last night for a dad"
"I pulled this guy over that was doing a big time dad and I kicked his ass"

by Jack Bower December 27, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym for Dumb As Dog Shit.
(Medicine: A life-threatening disease ie. DADS disease)

Refers to a person of incredible stupidity. For example, a person who would stick a knife in a power point just to see if it hurt.

This young man electrocuted himself by sticking a knife into a power point. Obviously he had a terminal case of DADS disease.

by Claudia Rose July 8, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (n) Term used for addressing (typically male) friends, as in man, dude, or brother.

2. (n) Cigarette

3. (v) The act of smoking a dad

"Hey dad, you wanna go dad a dad?"

"What's the name of your band?"
"Dads Without Kids"

by DWOK April 17, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


An internet acronym for dont ask douche, or dont ask douchebag, or perhaps dont ask dude.

Bob: Iwant to go to the party tonight and get wasted!
Fred: Fuck you!
Bob: wtf?
Fred: dad

by Aljoho May 19, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


left me

he went to tesco and left me there bye dad i said

by the white version of big smoke April 19, 2020

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A bitch that sits on his ass all day playing poker well making you his slave

dad: go get me a drink
me: you are like 3 steps away from the water bottle
dad: don't get an attitude with me

me" what?

by I don't make sense at all February 2, 2022

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A mythical creature that disappeared 15 years ago. Only appears during the steamy scenes of movies. When summoned, says, "Hey watchya watching?"
Makes jokes like, "Hey hungry I'm dad."

"Dad, I'm hungry."
"Hi hungry, I'm dad!"

by bee.the.glorious.weedsnack November 12, 2018

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