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Someone who tries to respect Wamen. Never respect them. The worse version of Soy Boys and cucks.

"Look at Tyler. Giving that girl flowers. What a simp." said Jacksepticeye. " Imagine simping for an egirl!" said PewDiePie.

by Blast_Fire March 10, 2020

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A person, usually a guy who can’t get any coochie so he or she resorts to complimenting and trying to win over the guy/girl

β€œDude...gabby hall is SUCH a simp”

by Shreks_jizz March 31, 2020

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You are a simp

by MemeWolf October 3, 2020

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Omid Rajol

Reza: Did u know Omid told her girlfriend what we did the other day?
Erfan: No wayy! what a .5kd simp!

Omid to his GF out of nowhere: Did u know we gathered the other day with boys? we went on trip and we did x and Erfan said y.
His GF: Omid! stop being simp, don't tell me stuff that happens between u and ur friends

by SimpSmoker April 10, 2023

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Bobby W is a simp

Billy: yo we should see if Bobby wants to come

Kyle: he can’t he’s simpin over some girl right now and is with her

by Bbatson141 March 30, 2020

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That one fucking friend who always hangs out with the girls and never hangs with the boys.

My god, Charlie is such a fucking Simp.

by Eronett November 2, 2020

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A guy who puts themselves in a submissive position in order to get with a girl.

Brock from Pokemon is a massive simp

by BrOcK iS a SiMp May 28, 2020

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