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A Communist leader voted by the masses of sheep into the United States presidency who is trying to take over this country with fascism and communist rule.

A person who was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing worthwhile in the world except waste taxpayer money and stick his nose in affairs that had nothing to do with him.

A name that will forever live in infamy as the worst president ever.

A terrorist and anti american.

Man that Obama sure is a dirtly little communist isn't he?

No he's not he's Osama's homeboy.

Oh that means that he's a communist anti american terrorist.

by Anti Obamunist October 12, 2009

799πŸ‘ 1137πŸ‘Ž


Native American for Compulsive Spending habit with other people's money.

The people who obsessively back Obama are the couch surfers and free loaders that bum smokes and money for pot; regardless of how broke or bankrupt the other person is.

My sibling pulled an Obama by spending MY bottom dollar on her bartab.

by SchmoeyII April 3, 2009

734πŸ‘ 1048πŸ‘Ž



obama, being the shittiest president america has elected since taking the place of kennedy, is nothing less than a piece of minority garbage.

by Lee Harv-E Oswald April 2, 2009

769πŸ‘ 1113πŸ‘Ž


Not the first black person to ask for change.

Hobo: Could i have some change please?
Person: Obama said the same thing.

by Prid95 June 24, 2009

735πŸ‘ 1047πŸ‘Ž


To take away something (i.e., money) from those that earn it through hard work, and give it away to those who don't deserve it (i.e., CEO's that ran businesses into the ground, those who refuse to work, those who
couldn't afford their mortgage in the first place).

"Why did you obama my money to those ghetto drug-addicts?"

"Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank obamad us through the non-stimulus massive spending plan."

"We are all going to suffer if the Democrats keep obamaing our tax dollars."

by American Terminologist May 21, 2009

712πŸ‘ 1036πŸ‘Ž



obama is a bastard

by 1joe_live April 6, 2010

757πŸ‘ 1108πŸ‘Ž


Main Entry: Oba-ma Ba-rack Hu-ssein 1961 -
Phonetic Pronunciation: o-BAH-mah
Function: Socialist Democrat
1 : Win an election complaining about millions spent on a war you don’t want.
2 : Blame the other man for your need to spend trillions of that same money.
3 : Enslave millions to pay for the greed of the few.
4 : All of the above.


by CatReno June 22, 2009

698πŸ‘ 1023πŸ‘Ž