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Olly kaki

A nice and genuine boy on the outside but on like inside is dirty, a gay bitch on the inside who is horny and needs sex

Omg he really is a Olly kaki

by Ollyisthebest February 22, 2021

Doing an Olly

Doing an Olly is when you heat or reheat fish in an office or office like setting.

Doing an Olly is when you heat or reheat fish in an office or office like setting.

Did you just do an Olly? Said Dave to his co-worker after he had just blasted his prawn and fish pasta in the microwave. Effectively stinking out the whole office, leaving the kitchen unusable for the day.

by Oliver Smancis February 2, 2023

ollie williams

The big black weather forecaster from the TV show Family Guy.

"And now for the blackie weather report with Ollie Williams, Ollie?"
"Thanks Ollie..."

by Some guy with a rifle July 25, 2005

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olly olly oxen free

The gayest 3 words ever.

Olly Olly oxen free really should be; Olly Olly fuck yourself!

by KbAB May 9, 2011

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Ollie bridgewho............

When someone has lost all self respect and his freinds a prefers to jump infront of buses, these symptoms also come with a crack addiction and a lack of personality, this condition also comes with an uncontrolable urge to lie and cheat on your partner.

Person 1 "god, do you hate me now?"
Person 2 "stop being such an Ollie bridgewho............!!!"

by soundddd October 18, 2008

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Ollie J

One cool guy who loves Lady fay.

Ollie J moved with the grace of a ballet dancer then shot him dead.

by Man in White March 1, 2005

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olly olly cocks been free

a loud oration that is typically stated upon freeing ones cock from the fabric that contains it

While sitting at work, I yelled - olly olly cocks been free - from my cubicle....that - in turn - drew the attention of multiple co-workers, and, upon seeing their faces I shook my flacid fuck stick for all to see.....oh happy days!

by Lord H.R. CocknBalls April 18, 2011

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