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The etymology of the word comes from legit. Usually a young kid, aka wannabe, who isn't legitimate yet is called a Jit.

He on the block but he don't know what he doing.
What you spect, He just a Jit mofo

by Zen Leon September 20, 2021


Jit mean you tripping

Nahh jit finna be in trouble

by Idkgaagg April 16, 2021


Nataline Johnson

yo look at that jit over there

by roselinethedawg January 20, 2022


Some one who is younger than u or they can be smaller

This lil jit ruins everything cuh.

by THEYHATE_ASAI September 4, 2023


a little boy/ girl to describe them in another way

Context: A crazy little boy and someone is reacting to him

Person reacting to him: this jit carzy

by Swede Polo January 10, 2023


your lil boo thang

wassam jit

by ummhigreat May 24, 2020


your lil boo thang

wassam jit

by ummhigreat May 24, 2020