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The word "Scene" is mostly, a label. Just like emo, prep, goth, etc. Alot of people who are scene dont like labels, but there are times when thats the easiest way to describe someone or there style.

Alot of people seem to think the Scene kids are stuck-up, little bitches, when they're really not. Most people assume they use lots of Xs and TyP3 AlL W3!rD like so. When they dont.

There are alot of different styles inside "scene" but there are some generalnizations. Such as (for girls) The skinny jeans, fashionable tops or band tees, and most importantly the hair... The normally, Big, Poofy, parted hair (if its long) it normally gets extremly thin at the bottom. With Guys they also wear skinny jeans, tight shirts, and their hair is normally longish, straight, parted or flowing to one side. Both tend to be very attractive and thin.

Scene kids are just like everyone else. They're not all the same. They are individuals. Just because they have some similar intrests doesnt mean anything. I'm sure if you looked at any other group or style they all have similar intrests too.

Then there are what are called "posers". They are the people that are normally to blame for he bad rep scene kids get. They will overly flaunt how apparently "scene" they are. Not matter if they are or not. They pretend to be something they're not just to be "cool" or "accepted".

I've been called a scene kid and I take great offense to people who this scene kids are concieted and stupid. I consider myself to be quite smart.

I must admit...
I've got Scenee Kidd Pridee! ;D

"I can't believe she thinks she's scene!"

"Her hair looks really scene in this picture!"

"Sorry... I only date scene guys."

by MeghanNicole April 16, 2009


slutty emos with a really bad attitude.

ull know a scene kiddo when u see one.

by anonymous-s-s-s November 6, 2008


From a real scene girl:

- i No TaLk LyKe DiS
- I don't like to pick fights
- Scene kids are awesome, but so are other cliques
- Music is my life
- The taking 500 million pictures of ourselves is true
- I'm not vegan or vegetarian, meat is yummy
- My hair is currently my natural dirty blonde color (ignore the fact I'm dying it next month)
- I am in love with converse
- I love tight jeans, fluffy hair, and eyeliner
- I absolutely hate myspace
- My hair is short and choppy
- The only piercings I have are on my earlobes
- I get my hair cut at a hair salon
- I don't gauge my ears
- I don't abuse the letter x
- I do use 'OMFG' and 'like' a lot
- I hate robots and like (not love) dinosaurs
- I don't smoke, but drink on occasion
- I don't write the letter x on my hand
- I'm pansexual
- I have one band shirt of a band I don't care for
- I have to like at least 5 songs of a band to consider them a favorite
- I don't go to millions of shows
- I wear thick rimmed glasses
- I've never stepped foot in a starbucks
- I have a livejournal, but I never go on
- I love attention, but I'm modest about it
- I have no tattoos
- I don't like polka dots
- I overly abuse smilies/emoticons

Yeah, I could go on but I'm getting tired now. Not all scene kids are the same, people! So yeah, stop judging people cuz we're all equal!

I'm soo scene, so rawr and stuff. :)

by PrincessKairi129 April 27, 2011


Someone who usually has piercings, multi-colored hair, and tattoos.

If you look up 'scene girls' on Google one day, it will come up with many pictures of scene girls taking selfies of themselves.

by wtfgirl1234 February 6, 2015


the 21st century took a shit..... out came the scene style.

my sister is scene and its rather bad...

by soundofdepth March 21, 2009


What emo evolved into. There are no longer any real emo kids, just scene kids. Some scene kids might claim to be emo. If you think on some weird occasion you see a real emo kid maybe its from a different era than the present. Otherwise, it's probably a scene kid.

I thought I disliked emos but now that all these scene kids have taken over, I really miss them!

by fisticuffery August 4, 2009


A kid who partakes in the fashion of "the scene". Typically highschool age kids. Scene refers to the music scene, which includes music with screaming, breakdowns, and fast tempos. This music is often referred to as screamo. Scene kids typically wear tight clothing (both girls and boys), with things such as scarves, chains, and skating shoes. Piercings and tattoos are a large part of the scene style as well. Both scene girls and boys wear their hair straightened, and also usually have their hair colored. They also wear makeup, regardless of sex. Many scene kids go to shows often, and they typically stay within their own social group. Not to be confused with goths or emos.

That chick over there with straightened black and blonde hair, with super tight pants, a super tight v-neck, wearing DC's, a chain, a white studded belt, and a red and black scarf is a scene chick.

by LaverDoo October 14, 2012