Source Code

Typo in the script

A come back to saying something suspicious

I love wieners,…typo in the script! Typo in the script

by Perkelegias November 6, 2023


A simple word to describe a contrived twist in a form of media that usually doesn't (seem to) make sense, but is there nonetheless to advance the plot.
Can be used positively or negatively.

That random prince that showed up in that one Mario movie was a real script-flipper!

by Seekertionary October 30, 2023

the avengers script

The Avengers:
Steve Rogers: What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?
Loki: I'm not overly fond of what follows...
(Thor appears)

Thor: Do not touch me again!
Iron Man: Then don't take my stuff.
Thor: You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Iron Man: Ah, Shakespeare in The Park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?
Thor: This is beyond you, metal man! Loki will face Asgardian justice!
Iron Man: He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of the way...TOURIST!
(Thor, angered by the retort, throws his hammer Mjolnir forcefully at Iron Man, sending Iron Man flying back a distance through the forest)

Steve Rogers: Doctor Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry.
Bruce Banner: That's my secret, Cap: I'm always angry.
(Banner hulks out and punches the Leviathan)

Iron Man: What else you got?
Clint Barton: Well, Thor's taking on a squadron on Sixth.
Iron Man: And he didn't invite me...

(Iron Man grabs a nuclear missile and routes it to the portal)
Jarvis: Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?
Iron Man: Save the rest for the return, Jay.

(After end credits scene #1)
The Other: Humans... They are not the cowering wretches we were promised. They stand. They are unruly, and therefore cannot be ruled. To challenge them is to court death.
(Thanos rises and smiles)

(After end credits scene #2)
The Avengers eat in silence at a shawarma restaurant.

the avengers script s important

by bucky barnes official January 6, 2022

Binance NFT Marketplace clone script

If you are looking for a Binance NFT marketplace clone script. Addus Technologies is the leading clone script provider in the globe. Our developers can help you create a clone of the Binance NFT marketplace that is tailored to your specific needs. Our clone script can be fully customized and integrated with other platforms and payment gateways. All of our scripts are 100% secure and use the latest encryption technology. We provide support and make sure that you have a smooth and stress-free experience with our solutions. Reach out to us today for further details.

Binance NFT Marketplace clone script is using at for business and it gives more ROI than other business

by jonathandaveiam January 25, 2023

Statue Scripts

The BEST Script Showcaser

BABE! Statue Scripts just posted!

by statued February 17, 2024

Whore Movie Script

According to all known laws
of retardation

there is no way a women
Is smart,

There brains are small,
And there legs are wide open,

The female gender, of course, is smart

because, in there own universe

boys are sex slaves and females are geniuses

Ungodly pRof

Oh my this whore movie script is amazing definitely not copied from the bee movie script

by Scum cities Professor February 22, 2021

pop the script

African American expression for "getting a prescription filled" for a controlled substance

He's gonna pop the script tomorrow.

by Big Ugly Girl April 28, 2016