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Arnold Palmer

When you don't heat your glass right for a hotrail and end up with half of it smoking and the other half of it snorted.

Guy 1: Why's Jerimiah all teary eyed?
Guy 2: He just Arnold Palmered that huge line bro.a

by GalFieri August 16, 2022

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Arnold Palmer

The sexual act of tea-bagging someone, and then proceeding to urinate in their mouths. Derives from the tea and lemonade combo of the popular drink.

Dude, that girl loves Arnold Palmer.

by arnoldpalmer111 February 22, 2010

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arnold palmer

Lemonade mixed with a little ice Tea. Popular with important celebrities.

"I'll have an Arnold Palmer."


by Unknown March 5, 2005

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Corey Palmer

A pale twinkie that eats a bunch of shit and has a chode and is fat as fuck.

Corey Palmer can cause a tsunami, by just diving in the pool! Fun Fact: My wife left me and I have a noose around my neck.

by ffdsfdsfdsfsdf October 19, 2019

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Arnold Palmer

If you tea-bag someone then piss on them. (Anrold Palmer is a drink that is tea and lemonade, pee looks like lemonade)

"He was just tea-bagging him when he peed on him by acccident, I guess he got an Arnold Palmer!

by Maj Trouble September 27, 2011

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Jordan Palmer

A bitchass cunt fucken faggot loser I hate his ass. Retarded cunt fuck who is dating a scum loser and his dad got his ass beat in the police force

Jordan Palmer is such a fucking faggot

by PalmerIsDumb November 16, 2019

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Clive palmer

The Lord almighty who shall be praised for being their for all of us.

A man who knows also how to speak to the younger gen using memes and catchy ads

The man the myth the legend Clive Palmer is making titanic 2

by Jimmyg1889 May 18, 2019

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