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Triangle Person

Illuminati worshipers made of cardboard and high in fiber. They're kleptomaniacs.

-Damn, that Triangle Person stole my chair!
-Don't be such a Triangle Person.

-Did you see that Triangle Person on The News 4?
-There's officially no Triangle Person in your bathroom.

by IlluminatousTriangulous February 23, 2015

Elevator Person

Someone you wish you could be stuck in an elevator with. It can be because you want to become closer with them, you want to air out grievances you’ve had with them, or you just want to have a generally honest conversation with them. The point is, you’re stuck talking to each other.

If Olivia and I talked more I bet we’d be good friends, they’re sort of my elevator person.

There’s so much I wish I could say to Jamie, they’re definitely my elevator person.

by BenAndRebecca June 28, 2021

Person -1

The forgotten person. Person 1 took their fame and it's time to end this war.

Person 1: W-who are you...?
Person 2: You know him?
Person -1: You... Took... EVERYTHING.
Person 0: And we are trying to gain it back.

by bizzylmao0 November 9, 2022

4👍 1👎

perennial personality

A person who likes to do the same things year after year.

I set up a “LOVE YA TABLE” in my kitchen on Valentine’s Day. I plant my annual flowers and vegetables in the spring. I decorate my house for Halloween. I carve a pumpkin and give out yummy treats. In November, I put my garden to bed for the winter. Then I ski as much as I can all winter, right into April. I have a perennial personality as I do the same thing year after year after year.

by suzgirl May 30, 2017

21👍 1👎

Personality Crush

When you have a crush on someone because of his or her personality and not their looks. This often leads to conflict because you want to be in a relationship with the person; even though, you're not physically attracted to him or her.

"Oh, Jenna is so ugly."
"I know; but, she's so cool. I have a huge personality crush on her.

by Carla Gardner May 3, 2008

58👍 8👎

bigger person

the person who is more mature than the opposite person, the person who makes more mature decisions.

Tyler made fun of Dannie, later on, Dannie overheard someone making fun of Tyler. Dannie stuck up for Tyler, althought they were not friends. Dannie became the bigger person.

by Kristie April 5, 2004

186👍 33👎

Emo person

Most people stereotype emo people as edgy teens that hate everything,unsurprisingly that's not true most emo people are only people that are just emotional and express emotions through music,art ect.
True there are emo people that are the Cringy teens but let it be known that they are the minority of the emo community and that most of us are actually nice people that are just more in touch with our emotions then "normal people".
Some (not all) emo people actually are deppresed so be careful if you talk about that as a joke as some people might take offence.
Also don't be afraid to be emo as it actually can help you a lot to relieve stress and to all around feel better about yourself as a person,work with your emotions not against them because at the end of the day emotions is what makes us human.

Emo hater:Look at him he's so emo
Emo person:as in he's so in touch with himself?
Emo hater:no as in how weird he is
Emo person:you're the weird one,you reject anything that you don't understand

by Dr_Dylanramen December 24, 2017

159👍 28👎