The act of killing one’s father only to have to kill him again once the outbreak takes effect.
Oh my God Dan! Did you just kill your dead dad? That’s Re-Patricide! Run!
the act of puttin on, then taking off a condom, only to put it backk on when shit is about to go down
Goon 1: Yo fam did you smash lass nite?
Goon 2: Yessir. Had to Re-rubber tho, she stunted for maddd long fam
Goon 1: Daaaammmnn smh at least you got in it
An argument in response to someone else's earlier argument. To differ with a point they made while differing with a point you have made.
Dude 1: Dude, Dubya is freakin awesome - the way he's keeping us safe!
Dude 2: I beg to differ with you - Dubya is whack. He's gonna get us all killed.
Dude 1: Re-differing - by fighting the war on terror overseas he's keeping all that crap away from us.
When the sage on your team in Valorant (Online FPS) uses her resurrect ability out in the god damn open, resulting in you dying for no reason for the second time.
Yo sage, can you come res me? Woah wait wait wait dude wat the hell was that petal res????
To have a "do-over" of a previous years' New Year's Resolution.
My resolution last year was to go to yoga. I didn't go, so I re-resolute to go to yoga in the new year.
My resolution was to lose weight this year, but I am still fat. I re-resolute to lose weight in the new year!
That one bitch that no one wants to listen to in Japanese class. You'd rather watch sensei do her stretches, cause, you know.
That one bitch with the big titties and the crazy eyes everybody know her you don't wanna be like her
Guy: Hey that girl over there has big tits
Patrick: don't go near that hoe that's Re-Baka
Guy: did you see that girl at the party last night
Patrick: she's such a Re-Baka