Source Code

powerwash simulator

The greatest game ever created. Best purchase ever

John: Have you played Powerwash Simulator?
Jim: No, not yet, should I?
John Yes! It single-handedly saved my marriage!

by ParzivaLore September 27, 2023

FNaF World Simulator

One of the best FNaF fan games out there.

we should play FNaF World Simulator tomorrow

by Jax235 June 12, 2024

diabolical lick simulator

Diabolical Lick Simulator is a upcoming game made by JesseFards and will release on July 1st 2023 for the SNext, also coming on Gamejolt, itch.io, Yeah I'm not sure about that. The game is being developed using the Scratch 3.0 engine, which is quite surprising for such a big game, But it's being developed anyway. The game consists of 3 main characters,
A 17 year old senior named Dude, a 15 year old Sophomore named Nerd, and a fucking emo bitch that is 16 years old, also a Junior, fuck him and Nerd, his name is Emo.
In genocide, Emo commits suicide and Nerd gets killed by Dude, but in pacifist,
Oh ho ho- No. Fuck it.
Dude and Nerd have sex. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!? HOMOSEXUALITY!?!?!?!? NO!!!!
Ok Ok, I'll stop, That's all.

lets play diabolical lick simulator you stupid bitch, kys.

by JesseFards May 6, 2022

Tree Simulator

An apparentlty very relaxing game that as you keep playing becomes increasingly more stressful

"That game is just a tree simulator"

by ilovefactorials March 16, 2024

roblox simulators

rich people supremacy

regular player: plays the game for free for 5 hours and gets to lvl 5

rich man: spends 5000 robux and gets to lvl 99999 on roblox simulators

by joey65890 July 28, 2021

Mining simulator

Best game on road box

Fuck you mining simulator is the best road box game

by Mr gautam biggest intelligence November 12, 2018

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Slang used by many senior citizens living in retirement homes referring to a rough, sweaty, meaty, nutritious, celebratory, exciting, crusty, emotional, noble, kingly, tear-jerking, political, hungry, looping, lethal, gratifying, refreshing, refrigerating, pleasant, knightly, daily, numerical, busy, and teal gay orgy

"My grandma is OBSESSED with Euro Truck Simulator 2"
"No Way! Mine too!"

by Rowan Charrington April 14, 2024