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Callin’ it spades

Straight up,

No bs

I’m callin’ it spades

I really like her.

by lucy camenia September 7, 2023

A spade is a spade


Hym "A spade is a spade. I'm gonna call it like I see it and I'M GOING TO BE CORRECT! You fucking shill. You shilled so hard. You sholled so hard only to look like a fucking retard the second the blew up those fucking aid trucks! It took them 3 tries! They shot the first truck. 2 people escaped. Got into a second truck. They blew up THAT truck. 3 people survived. THEY got into a THIRD truck. And the Jews blew up THAT ONE TOO! Even before that! Even before that when they send aid and then started shooting into the crowd. Like some medieval currency. If you're going to pretend to be me the least you could fucking do is not make me look like a fucking retard. Fucking pathetic."

by Hym Iam April 8, 2024

Flavor Spade

A large tool or implement shaped like a Garden Spade, but used by only the most skilled in the Flavor industry. Made from Stainless Steel and typically used for mixing, loosening-up troublesome raw materials or flavors.

Did you see how fucked the beef extract was? It was like mixing glue and concrete together! We seriously need a flavor spade if I have to deal with that again.

by t4steless July 15, 2015

pink spade

An LGBTQ-owned consulting agency

Check out Pink Spade Consulting! We just hired them to handle all of our marketing campaigns!

by February 10, 2023

10 of Spades

When you go off in any game.

Bro I just dropped a 10 of Spades

by HungryPenguin January 24, 2021


Spade is someone who’s always there for others even when they’re down. Spade is an amazing friend and partner that never disappoints. Spade is a badass who’s willing to beat up anyone who hurts the people they care about. They are kind, smart, and caring. Spade is definitely someone with short, dyed hair. I mean look at that name lol

Your such a Spade, it’s crazy 😂”

by Luna .. <3 September 17, 2022


spades is a dude thats my bff #sussyballs
he is superrrrrr cool ahahajajak

me : do u know spades ?
milk : no
me: beats milk up 🥺

spades is rad !!!!!!

by crumb ^_^ September 2, 2021