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Spawn of helicopters exhaust

Spawn of helicopters relates to gender neutral fluid that's being gargled by a disabled grandmother mermaid whore who also has a fetish for sausages of the richmond variety

I love a mouthful of slimy spawn of helicopters exhaust when I'm sooty & sweeping your dad

by Tumblingtumbleweeds November 9, 2019

Spawn Savers

Spawn Savers is a 0b0t guild with the purpose of making people happy

discord dot gg / MbJRqtk

Spawn Savers is the best guild ever!

by alifurkany May 13, 2020

Spawning Bees

A catchphrase of KohlPowered’s bot.

KohlPowered: Yo, do you like beef?
Bot: Spawning Bees.

by beluga the szssi cat November 17, 2022

Spawn Hogging

To kill ones character when they have spawned from a death in a multiplayer game.

When a players character dies and is killed immediatly after being respawned by another player who knows where the respawn site is.

General usage: "I just died and some fucking spawn hogger is killing me every time I respawn"

"I'm getting owned, I'm going spawn hogging"

by DarrenOB January 29, 2008

Spawn trapped

Used when you get stuck in a place or conversation that you do not want to be in. References the commonly used FPS video game term, but applies to real life.

Sorry I’m late bro, I got spawn trapped by mom mom on the way out the door

by Fan_Service_King June 28, 2024